Airbnb Clone Project

4 min readJan 14, 2024


Table of contents:

  1. Concepts to learn/use: Python Packages, Unittesing, Serialization/Deserialization, *args, **kwargs, Datetime…
  2. Part 1: The Console


1. Python Packages:

  • A Python file can be a module but when this file is in a folder, we call this folder a package.
  • the magic file, each folder must contain this file to be considered a package. It can be empty but is essential for package recognition.

2. Module Structure:

├── models
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └── … (other AirBnB object classes)
├── tests
│ ├── test_engine
│ ├──
│ ├── test_models
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ ├── test_…py
│ │ └── … (other test files)
└── … (other project files)

3. Unit Tests:

Writing comprehensive unit tests for each module is a crucial part of ensuring the correctness of individual components. Use the unittest module in Python to create test cases for functions and classes.

Lemme give you a very simple example of where you’ll need to use unit testing, of course, you’ll need to use it in the backend of your app. Let’s say the user needs to enter his email and username to log in or register. To handle user registration, you might have a module named with functions to register users. Here's a simplified example:


class User:
def __init__(self, username, email):
self.username = username = email

def register_user(username, email):
# Perform user registration logic, e.g., check for duplicate usernames or emails
if username_exists(username) or email_exists(email):
return None # Registration failed
new_user = User(username, email)
# Save new user to the database or perform other necessary actions
return new_user # Registration successful

def username_exists(username):
# Check if the username already exists in the system (simulated logic)
existing_usernames = ["user1", "user2", "admin"]
return username in existing_usernames

def email_exists(email):
# Check if the email already exists in the system (simulated logic)
existing_emails = ["", "", ""]
return email in existing_emails

Now, imagine if you didn’t have unit tests for this code. How would you be sure that the user registration process works correctly and handles all possible scenarios? This is where unit testing comes into play. Let’s create corresponding tests in

import unittest
from user_management import register_user, username_exists, email_exists

class TestUserManagement(unittest.TestCase):

def test_register_user_success(self):
# Test user registration with unique username and email
new_user = register_user("newuser", "")

self.assertIsNotNone(new_user) # Check that a user object is returned
self.assertEqual(new_user.username, "newuser")
self.assertEqual(, "")

def test_register_user_username_exists(self):
# Test user registration with an existing username
new_user = register_user("user1", "")

self.assertIsNone(new_user) # Check that registration fails

def test_register_user_email_exists(self):
# Test user registration with an existing email
new_user = register_user("newuser", "")

self.assertIsNone(new_user) # Check that registration fails

if __name__ == '__main__':

4. Serialization / Deserialization:

It’s an important concept to use for storing and retrieving data, it’s simple

Serialization as a whole can be comprehended by converting objects to a byte stream meaning dumping in into a file(JSON, XML, Binary…), and deserialization is recreating objects from a byte stream so you get it from the file, Python Libraries such as pickle or JSON are for this purpose.

5. Datetime Handling

Proper handling of dates and times is crucial in a booking application. Utilize the datetime module in Python to manage and manipulate time-related data accurately.

6. *args and **kwargs:

Let’s consider for example, you might have a function that adds a new property listing, the number and type of details for each property can vary, that’s why the use of *args and **kwargs useful for handling this flexibility.

# Example function for adding a new property listing
def add_property_listing(title, location, *features, **details):
Add a new property listing to the system.

- title: str, the title of the property
- location: str, the location of the property
- *features: variable number of non-keyword arguments (e.g., amenities)
- **details: variable number of keyword arguments (e.g., price, bedrooms)
print("Adding Property Listing:")
print(f"Title: {title}")
print(f"Location: {location}")

if features:
for feature in features:
print(f" - {feature}")

if details:
for key, value in details.items():
print(f" - {key}: {value}")

# Example usage
add_property_listing("Cozy Cottage", "Mountain View", "WiFi", "Parking", bedrooms=2, price=120)
  • *features allows you to pass a variable number of non-keyword arguments (e.g., amenities like WiFi and Parking).
  • **details allows you to pass a variable number of keyword arguments (e.g., price and bedrooms).

7. Command-Line Interface(CLI):

Develop a command-line interface for your console application. The CLI serves as the user’s interaction point, allowing them to perform various tasks such as listing properties, making bookings, etc.

8. ‘CMD’ Module:

The cmd module in Python provides a convenient framework for building custom command-line interpreters. It helps in creating an interactive shell for your application, allowing users to input commands and receive feedback.

Example: (simple cmd processor)

import cmd

class HelloWorld(cmd.Cmd):
"""Simple command processor example."""
intro = "Welcome To Your First cmd processor.\n"
prompt = "(Cmd) "

def do_greet(self, line):
def do_EOF(self, line):
return True

if __name__ == '__main__':

In our case, we want to be able to manage the objects of our project:

  • Create a new object (ex: a new User or a New Place)
  • Retrieve an object from a file, a database, etc…
  • Do operations on objects (count, compute stats, etc…)
  • Update attributes of an object
  • Destroy an object


Project Workflow

Link to Project repository:





Junior Calisthenics Engineer, Ai Enthusiast. Coding and Flexing! 💻💪

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